Ardent Partners’ Accounts Payable Metrics that Matter in 2020

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Sally Hardcastle
Senior Researcher, sharedserviceslink
Aug 12, 2020

When companies are faced with economic uncertainty, it’s vital that the finance function is a well-oiled machine. The Accounts Payable (AP) department is a significant strategic unit that can boost resilience to outside influences – but only if it’s operating effectively.

With most people working from home, it’s more important than ever that your AP department is highly automated – manual work and paper invoices are just not practical and can drastically diminish the efficiency of the department. 

Businesses that have streamlined and automated their AP processes are seeing huge benefits. Are you?

Download Ardent Partners’ Accounts Payable Metrics that Matter in 2020 to find out:

  • The key KPIs and benchmarks they captured in their most recent State of the Market Report
  • Significant statistics that separate the ‘best in class’ performers from the rest, and how your AP department can get there
  • How you can develop an intelligent automated function that is driving value back into the business
  • How to use the vast amount of data most AP departments are sitting on to help optimize working capital


Download this highly informative white paper today and see how your KPIs stack up against the ‘best performers’.

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