Reports and White Papers

R2R How Complex Businesses Running Off SAP Transform R2R

A step-by-step guide to how to automate Task Management, Balance Sheet Certification and Manual Journal Entry with Redwood and dramatically improve efficiency, visibility, and scalability.

P2P Mastering E-Invoicing Implementation: Lessons from the Leaders - Infographic Report

Implementing e-invoicing is not always smooth sailing. ​ Most companies face challenges such as system integration, lack of stakeholder buy-in, higher costs, and data quality issues. ERPs alone are not enough to compliantly manage e-invoicing globally.

Shared Services Navigating the Complex Landscape of Global Business Services

Discover the evolution of Shared Services and Global Business Services (GBS) in our report. Gain insights from industry experts on overcoming legacy challenges and driving value in 2024. Download now to optimize technology and empower your organization.

P2P E-Invoicing Wisdom: How to Reduce Your Tail

Vendor reduction is a critical imperative for organizations to improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance strategic initiatives. ​ By right-sizing the vendor base and implementing a tail spend management solution, you can simplify processes, increase compliance, & improve performance

banner says: Demystifying Peppol: What You Need to Know About e-Invoicing Standards, Compliance, and Future Trends. Picture of digital highway

P2P Tax Demystifying Peppol: What You Need to Know About e-Invoicing Standards, Compliance, and Future Trends

Discover the pivotal role of Peppol in e-invoicing with our comprehensive report. Learn how Peppol fosters global interoperability, simplifies compliance, and navigates evolving standards. Explore its expansion beyond Europe, adoption in Asia-Pacific, and upcoming developments like PINT. Stay ahead

Title: Infographic Report: Finance Transformation: What’s Working... What’s Not. Image of one character being lifted by a lit lightbulb. Other character frustrated his bulb isn't working

Shared Services Infographic Report: Finance Transformation: What’s Working... What’s Not

Uncover keys to successful finance transformation. Avoid pitfalls and achieve shared services excellence

Title reads: The Impact of E-Invoicing and Real-Time Tax Reporting. Shows newtons cradle balls impacting on other balls.

Tax P2P The Impact of E-Invoicing and Real-Time Tax Reporting

Discover the Evolution of E-Invoicing: From Latin America to Europe, the Mandatory Shift is Here! Explore the Game-Changing 2024 Mandates in Poland, Spain, Belgium, and Beyond. Ensure Compliance Across Borders and Learn Top 4 Strategies for Success.

Business people discussing procedure on project. Making decisions, controlling and supporting the deal.

Tax Shared Services E-Invoicing and Real-Time Tax Reporting: Core Business Requirements You Can't Ignore

Discover the game-changing world of E-Invoicing and Real-Time Tax Reporting. Unleash your business's true potential and thrive in a rapidly evolving compliance landscape. Download now and shape the future!

Title: 7 Main Issues Facing Shared Services. Pop Art Style. Man and woman with shouting expressions

Shared Services P2P Report: 7 Main Issues Facing Shared Services Today – and How to Address Them

Navigate 7 shared services challenges & find solutions. Overcome rising costs, workload complexity, digital transformation struggles, poor data quality & more. Gain insights for success in shared services.

Title reads: Growing Companies: The Top 3 Issues Holding AP Back – and What to Do About It. Image of 4 people in business attire leaping over stacks of paper, obstacles and a desk in an athletic manner.

P2P Growing Companies: The Top 3 Issues Holding AP Back – and What to Do About It

This e-book examines the top challenges in accounts payable and the proactive changes you can start making today to future-proof your organisation.

Title reads:More Complex Work: Shared Services Coping Strategies. Picture of a business person pushing a boulder up a hill.

Shared Services More Complex Work: Shared Services Coping Strategies

Most shared services teams have taken on more work, and more complex processes. Many teams now find themselves struggling.

O2C Infographic: Is Order-to-Cash Being Left Behind?

This report shares the top 5 issues keeping AR and O2C from realizing their vision and 3 practical tips to help automate and future-proof O2C

O2C Is Your AR Stuck in the Dark Ages?

If manual processes are overwhelming your team, now is the time to be inspired and to take action.

P2P Tax 8 Guiding Principles for Compliance Confidence

4 Dos and Don'ts to Managing Dynamic Global E-invoice Compliance Requirements with Confidence

Tax Indirect Tax: The Missing Piece in Digital Transformation

When it comes to planning for digital transformation, nearly every team overlooks one thing: indirect tax requirements.

Tax Where are Your Hidden Costs and Lurking VAT Compliance Risks

This easy-to-read infographic will help you understand the challenges and help you identify and reduce many of the hidden costs in your organization.

O2C How AI Transformed AR at UserTesting

When facing an increase in the volume of work, finance teams either need to work harder and perhaps hire more people, or work smarter with the help of automation.

P2P Shared Services Secrets to Unlocking Next-Level Automation

You have a crucial role to play to help guide your company to ensure organizational resilience and to navigate through a rapidly changing compliance and business landscape.


R2R Infographic Report: 5 Best Practices for an Easy Financial Close

A recent survey from sharedserviceslink and Redwood found that two-thirds of finance professionals would like to spend less time on their financial close.


O2C Shared Services RPA and AI: Living up to the Hype?

Robotic Process Automation and Artificial Intelligence have promised great things for finance, but are they living up to the hype, so far?


Tax It's Time to Talk About Indirect Tax

The changes we are seeing in Indirect Tax aren’t a gentle evolution that tax professionals can manage on their own.  This isn’t business as usual.


P2P Identifying the Shortcomings in P2P Automation

P2P Automation transforms your business, and transformation is a journey defined by the partners you choose. Choose poorly, and your solutions won't deliver the results you need.


Shared Services 3 Ways Covid-19 Changed Shared Services and How to Prepare for What’s Next

Remote working, changes to Standard Operating Procedures and disrupted anti-fraud processes have created new vulnerabilities. This report looks at what is behind a rise in phishing and fraud attempts and how shared services are responding to a decrease in working capital.


Tax Building a VAT Roadmap for 2021 and Beyond

Compliance with VAT mandates and continuous transaction controls may require significant investment in time and resources across your organization.

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