E-Invoicing's easy! Suppliers will come on board quickly! We’ll reach 80% conversion in no time!
Ha! If only!
If you’re at the earlier stages of e-invoicing (evaluating it or just starting on your project), read this E-Book.
It’s designed to bust 5 Myths on E-Invoicing, and set you up to succeed, not fail.
E-invoicing is worth it. If you nail it, you’re looking at a compelling business case. And not just for this year. The savings are rolling…they’re endless. The average cost to process a manual invoice is $22 per invoice. An automated invoice is $5*. A Pure Touchless invoice is $1**. You do that math.
Check out this E-Book to find out more.
*The Autonomy Of Automation, Forbes 2021
**sharedserviceslink Research
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