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Harvard Business Review report: Future-proofing T&E Budgets Using Data Insights

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Viveka Alvestrand
Oct 14, 2024
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Given the global crisis, now’s clearly not the time for any business travel. But this situation won’t last forever. Staff WILL get back on the road again.

Face-to-face meetings are hugely important for building relationships. But directly linking these back to sales can be hard. That’s an important factor to consider for the post-corona world, when difficult budgeting decisions will have to be made.

If there is no direct numerical evidence linking travel and expense (T&E) outlay to concrete business outcomes, budgets can come under fire. Why should yours increase, or even stay the same, if budgets are being cut elsewhere?

Without the data that proves your case, it’s difficult to pinpoint if any drop-off in sales is due to the broader economic climate or to internal factors like reduced T&E spend.

This report from Harvard Business Review Analytic Services does an excellent job of taking a look at this challenge. Using expert insights and data from across the travel industry, it addresses problems faced by finance and sales executives and ways to solve them. 

Download it now and get ready to use the strategic and practical advice to improve outcomes for your organization.

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