Rolls-Royce’s Journey Through Procurement Transformation

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Editor Coda
Nov 8, 2019

The mention of the name Rolls-Royce conjures up the idea of engineering at its very best.

For this iconic brand, whose aero engines power thousands of flights every day, customer satisfaction is everything – at every level. 

When inconsistent processes and ways of working resulted in poor user experiences for suppliers and buyers the engineering giant knew it had to shift the levers for change in procurement up a gear (or ten!). 

Varying levels of compliance and not enough insight into spending were other catalysts for change.

As part of its change program, Rolls-Royce set itself a number of objectives: 

  • £245m ($314m) in incremental savings delivered over 10 years
  • Greater transparency and process compliance around purchases, expenditure and suppliers 
  • The implementation of a global indirect purchasing function 

So how did Rolls-Royce do it?

Download this presentation to find out more about the company’s ambitious change management journey, and how you can apply its learnings to your organization. It sure is an interesting ride!

Download the presentation

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