Why Winshuttle is Putting Data Quality First

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Editor Coda
Jun 29, 2017

Data quality and accuracy is proving to be a consistent headache for large enterprises. With so many organizations using SAP and still relying on manual data entry, the quality of data inputted into SAP is somewhat questionable.

Winshuttle is aiming to solve the problem of data quality through the automation of data entry into SAP. They aren’t just focusing on the entry of data, but are looking at how the data is then utilized within the business – ensuring a data quality life-cycle is maintained.

The benefits of Winshuttle’s approach is:

  • There’s no burden on IT resource
  • You’ll gain greater visibility over the business’ data
  • There will be trust regained when it comes to data quality

In addition, Winshuttle has recently introduced a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution primarily for SAP. Business users are able to automate manual, repetitive data entry tasks which are seen to be improving data accuracy and reducing cycle times. The RPA solution has also supported the productivity levels of employees as it is programmed to deal with any exceptions that may occur.

For more information on Winshuttle visit https://www.winshuttle.com/ 

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