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Are Portals Complicating Matters?

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Susie West
Sep 10, 2024
Illustrated person worried about computer screens

“Not another Supplier Portal!?” is a protest heard from many finance transformation managers as yet another billing system or portal is ‘bolted-on’ to their ERP. 

For suppliers, using multiple portals for a few invoices a month is a pain, especially when you’re trying to standardize your billing process. As a result, eyes roll at a new request and up-take can be low, especially with long-tail suppliers.

So, maybe it’s time to think outside the box.

Read this exciting e-book to discover the revolutionary “Zero Serve” Model.

Find out how SmartBots can replace functionality offered by portals, correspond with your customers and suppliers, and save finance teams months of work.

Are Portals Complicating Matters? Find out by downloading now.

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