Ignore these 10 expense management safeguards at your peril

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Editor Coda
Oct 23, 2019

Is expense fraud on your radar? It should be.

What may start small, like fudging a taxi receipt, can quickly snowball into falsifying all manner of items. 

Sometimes expenses fraud happens because “nobody will notice.” Other times it’s the result of an employee getting the company back for a perceived injustice. And of course, at times, genuine mistakes do slip through the net.

Either way, it’s estimated to be costing the US economy alone a staggering $2bn a year. Think about what could be seeping out of your business. 

So, how can you stop it from happening in the first place?

Download thewhitepaper which outlines 10 safeguards you can (and should!) implement today

You’ll learn how:

  • Using a corporate card program enables easy reconciliation of expense reports and statements 
  • Integrating your online travel booking tool with your expense report platform will lead to much better transparency for itineraries and fares
  • Using an automatic duplicate expense checker will pick up if two individuals try to expense the same meal

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