Which Sex Is More Fraudulent: Men or Women?

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Editor Coda
Sep 10, 2019

Most members of staff would never dream of trying to defraud their employer. But there are those who are prepared to risk their reputation by upping the car miles or stapling on a few extra receipts.

Out of these, which gender do you think is more likely to commit expense fraud?

According to findings by expenses management provider Chrome River, men are close to three times more likely to fiddle their expenses than their female colleagues.

Irrespective of who does it, honesty is not the only thing at stake. Fraudsters are taking a whopping $2.8billion every year – and that’s in the US alone.

How do they do it? And how likely are they to get caught?

Download the infographic for some stark statistics you don’t want to miss!

Download the infographic to find out more

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