Over 70 jurisdictions have implemented – or are about to implement – e-involving or CTC (continuous transaction control) mandates, and this trend is showing no signs of slowing down. Gartner estimates that by 2030, 60% of countries worldwide will have implemented CTCs.
For governments, it's a no-brainer - they are desperate to balance the books. Huge VAT gaps - Europe’s alone is estimated to be €165B - and unprecedented levels of public spending are causing havoc across treasury departments.
For AP leaders however, the sheer volume and variation of these new mandates can be overwhelming. It’s almost a full time job to keep up with what the mandates are, never mind comply with them.
That’s where this essential guide to e-invoicing and CTC mandates comes in.
Download and discover:
- The evolution of CTCs
- The current CTC landscape and the likely changes coming
- What you should expect as more countries move towards CTCs
- 6 essentials when preparing for the future
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