E-Invoicing E-Book: 5 Myth Busters
E-Invoicing promises efficiency and savings, but success isn’t instant. Many believe suppliers will adopt quickly and conversion rates will soar - if only! This eBook debunks five common e-invoicing myths and provides insights to ensure a smooth transition.
O2C ABBYY and IBM watsonx.ai Collaboration
ABBYY has announced its integration with IBM watsonx.ai. This collaboration leverages ABBYY's proficiency in document processing and IBM's powerful large language models, empowering businesses to automate data extraction and analysis with unparalleled precision and efficiency.
Indirect Tax VAT Billentis Report Out: A Must-read for E-Invoicing Leads
Globally, 560 billion invoices are handled annually, and only 125 billion are electronic*. We have a long way to go in 5 years. Read the Billentis e-Invoicing and Tax Compliance report to find out more – it’s a page turner.
DHL Increased Efficiency by 70% - Find out How
This DHL P2P Case Study is a story of when the KPIs look good, but the effort and grunt work hasn’t gone away… but then it finally does.